About the Blog!

Hey hi ...Firstly thanks for clicking on the link and visiting it ...secondly thanks for reading through....so basically you must wonder What’s in store here??? Welll...ummm nothing in particular and everything in general ...
And as for me ...I am Akshika ..A girl with a fork in the world of Soup!!! I will let you all know me rather than speaking about me ..because well yes ...that's the difficult part isn't it ?? to talk about oneself ...I could go on and still not be able to express , so hence I choose my posts do the talking ..Don't know how frequent they would be , but I assure you they will surely hit your soul ..no expert advice , no judgments ,no glamour talks ..only raw human feelings!!

So stay tuned keep visiting  this link more often ..you never know which of my posts resonates with your life and we strike a "soulmate-ly" friendship!!!! 


  1. Hi Akshika, accidently came across your blog and was instantly drawn to the richness of content and fluid writing style...do not stop writing please...you have potential to win The Booker one day :) Keep up the good work !

  2. Beautiful blogs!! Enjoyed reading each one of them. Great work and loved your writing


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