Play or Pause

Block Block Everywhere! 

We millennials are so you used to practice this art of stalling that sometimes it gets beneficial for us, other times; well it’s just a way of us escaping the truth.
We avoid many sensitive situations or unwanted explanations by practicing this wonderful art of blocking people or avoiding situations, virtually or in reality.
Then there is another block which is not really a good one! 

The writer’s block!! 

Yes, I did call myself a writer, well at least I believe so and strive to be one.
And having a block for months is intolerable and unpleasing to the least.
How Does it feel like?
Staring right at the screen, trying to form a logical sequence of some random thoughts coming in your mind.  But you just couldn’t get hold of it. 
Every sentence typed is back spaced until your eyes are bloodshot, hair’s a mess and your will power diminished.
That stonewalled feeling, where there is an acute numbness is what I actually felt everytime I opened the blog. 
I felt as if I have cheated on it!
You know like what we all tend to do in relationships and with people.
When we are lonely we cling to them in the starting, give all our attention, care, nurture.
And when that person or relationship fills our void with love, we leave i.e. turn our back onto it as we get something new to distract us.
But with my blog, I didn’t want to be that selfish taker in the relationship!
What I Did?
I wanted to come back to it every time everyday; But I was blank without words and without any sense of thought.
Then while struggling to find out how to overcome it, I came across the below line:
Some writers argue that “writer’s block” isn’t real. It’s just an excuse to use when we’d rather procrastinate.
This stuck me hard. I mean with all the personal developments going around me, yes I couldn’t find the time to write, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to, I eagerly wanted to get back and start blathering, but just couldn’t get it to happen.
Then somewhere I read the below lines and started practicing them:
Yes, you’ve hit a block and nothing creative comes up, but by continuing, eventually you will reach a point where something makes sense and your creative juices will start flowing.
So I started noting down, started writing. Posting something or the other on Instagram. But nothing could help me get back to the free flow form of writing. I had slowly started to GIVE UP!
Maybe it was the conflicted feelings. I wanted the writing to be perfect 
 And in the run to find something perfect, I couldn’t just find anything at all.
But giving up wasn’t an option I have thought and getting a hold of things seems too farfetched.
I didn’t want to break my muse, I wanted it to play again.
How to Overcome this long pause, how to hit the play button again?

Not Giving Up, but How???
We all get them – those feelings of doubt, fear, lack of self-confidence and lack of self-belief. Whatever it is we want to achieve in life, no matter how much we want it, there will always be times when we hit a challenging period, motivation hits a wall and we feel like giving up.
You’ve heard it, “giving up is not an option”, but when it comes to how not to give up, it could be difficult sometimes.

Then Self-loathing strikes!

It is a generation of instant indulgence which creates the illusion that everyone needs what they want. People look at other people and assume they got it all another control. Only My life is a mess right now.
Well understand this is a MYTH!
Don’t be deterred by this because actually this confused journey; This longing for not giving up, there is exactly where the magic happens and makes your end goal ever more sweet.
Another reason as to not lose hope so soon is the favorite mistress of Sadness, the “Regret”
It can and it will hit you hard.
While regret is the number one thing you shouldn’t waste your time doing, before you quit your dream just imagine how your life could transform and where you could be in a year, two years or five years. And what if then You ask yourself the most dreadful question: “What If”?

Figure out what you lack

It’s important to sit down with yourself and identify why you have a tendency to give up. This may feel uncomfortable and you may feel resistance to doing the process. But once you actually work through your limiting beliefs, they can be released really quickly and help you to remove mental obstacles (or blocks) you didn’t know were stopping you.

Be patient with yourself

And still if you tend to get no answers, that is perfectly fine.
Give yourself some time, but always promise to return back.
Remember that you aren’t the first to feel this way
You have the power to stand in your own way and to get out of it. Allow yourself to stay motivated by choosing to stay motivated.
And with all these thoughts in mind, I turned back again to what I love the most. Giving shape and words to my thoughts, make my soul to reach on paper, so that it can reach to you.
Time Flew!!
Another ten days, a month and then few more and I still didn’t get a perfect draft of what I actually wanted to write.
But today I finally gave in and I thought I will just write. Write what? Maybe the most boring and awful stuff? At least I’m writing.
I know we all need times for ourselves, we all get busy with our mundane activities
And sometimes big or small changes in our life makes us lose the perspective of things, but that is ok. 
We shouldn’t let the small pauses in Life, make us give on the things we love. Because like a dish, without adequate balance of ingredients, life will also be flat, boring and tasteless.
Pausing is any day better than not playing at all! 


  1. You had a very positive reason to take a pause... :) hope to get some regular updates on life and living..!!!

  2. Nicely written!
    "Only My life is a mess right now".. Yeah, its a myth but 90% of the population fails to understand this and is affected by this!


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