Does action really speak louder than words?

Hey there, been a while that I could write something, writer's block maybe ...Or maybe just lazying around trying to write an article that makes me look super cool .

So today I finally gave in, and wrote what abstractly came into my mind. Maybe it won't be perfectly framed, but I am sure while reading it you can resonate with my thinking .

Yes coming back to my thoughts on this saying,  : "Actions speak louder than words"

Well have heard this proverb since childhood. But does this really hold true for our age?

The way I see it I am not really sure .

Millennials ideally have lost the patience to stop and build relationships at face value. As the generation that grew up with communication becoming via a digital revolution, our biggest strength of being connected has also became our biggest weakness.

We can easily write down wonderful words on timelines, but fail to sincerely compliment our friends in person. 
We literally are growing up with Facebook stalking as a life skill but sadly losing on our basic social skills.,we don't even know who lives right next to our flats.

Now why I point out our lack in social understanding and harvesting superficial social lives,is because we as a generation not really should focus on only the actions one does. Our actions,like our snapchat stories  are so scripted and manicured with filters and effects, that simply being authentic is too raw or genuine. Only “convenience” is the word that describes our social dealings.

I might be confusing you here with my thought-process, so let me just give you an example.

With the onset of dating sites and one-click “Love”, we tend to quickly jump onto the cupid’s arrow. Mostly that ends disastrous. With fingers glued to our phones/tablets we embark on our love story. What we don’t realize is, that the actions here (referring in terms of virtual world), that being available 24*7 , sending love emojis or just exchanging mushy-mushy compliments on the pictures, doesn’t guarantee love.
Now many would argue, while chatting also we use “words” and that is not an “action” and that I probably was high while writing this article.
But I would ask you to ponder, is chatting online, really a form of communication?

Would you prefer a good morning 5 sentence long quote or would you prefer being told good morning in person?

Language to me in my life is my key to sharing my thoughts, ideas and emotions. Also it is my tool to building relationships. And to grow up in a digital world, we have a privilege to connect across the world; to communicate to each other and share their ideas and interests. But while enjoying this privilege, we forget to connect with our near ones.

Even in real life, we really are confused which is more profound , the words or Actions?

Many a times I have heard my friends comprising on their expectations from a guy by saying “I’ll Judge him by his actions, not his words.”

Now while I respect that, but I feel sometimes this is not always correct.

The thing with words is that  they are more than just means of communication; they can shape our beliefs, behaviors, feelings and ultimately our actions.

Also this notion that actions value more than words is based on the assumption that everyone is clear on their intentions and is doing EXACTLY what they want — 100% of the time.

But that’s again not true, “To err is human”.  And we as humans have this inborn need to put ourselves first, coupled with our biological dependency on cooperative relationships, which is a confusing proposition to figure out. And keeping this complex relationship in mind, if we want to look at our true identity in a truthful mirror, our behaviors must define our words.

Our words have the power to heal those around us, the power to build each other up, the power to empower one another and the power to encourage others…
Our words have the power to hurt people, exclude others, and tear people down….

Hence words may be necessary descriptors to identify certain aspects of ourselves, but there’s no reason to believe they are sufficient to encapsulate the depths of who we are.

Remember dating a guy who does all the ideal things a man should, but fails to even give a slight compliment. Maybe you are the most beautiful girl in his eyes and he is true to you till his core, but when it comes to confess his feelings, all you get are cold responses and confused actions. (been there).

When we say we are going to do something and then don’t do it, we end up breaking trust and letting people down.  Our actions reflect our character and when our actions follow our promises, we demonstrate integrity. 

Even as individuals, words play a big part in our lives. A compliment is a compliment, but yet, the words that are used to compliment you makes all the difference, doesn’t it?
(And that is why I always look forward to your comments on my blogs, both online and offline).

Also the words you choose can make your relationship a lot better, or at times, it can push your partner away from you forever.

Voicing your own pitfalls and regrets about your own life all the time can make your partner feel more helpless about their own life. And it’ll only lead to your partner getting annoyed with you, or worse, they may blame themselves for your sorry life. 

If you talk about your relationship using words that are negative, your partner will subconsciously start to see the relationship in a negative light too. If there’s something bothering you, learn to communicate with each other calmly and reassure each other all the time. It’s the only way to look forward to a brand new day in a happy way!

The truth of the matter is that what you say and how you say things are equally important to what you do. 
Failure to recognize this fact often leads to misunderstandings, anger and resentment.
For me, I feel safest and happiest when I hear how my family,friends and loved ones think and feel about me. 
Words like “I love you” , "You did a good job",or "I love spending time with you" warm my heart more than anything – send me straight to the moon!

That is the power of simple words, simple affirmations, words of gratitude and kindness, It builds a person., and costs no real effort at all !!

So let’s come out our cell phones, and go straight and compliment one person today- Let’s do some face yoga, by smiling, chatting and laughing with our loved ones, not the emoji style, but actual human way!!!

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