Let's Celebrate The Women!!

Here's to strong women: May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them!
                                           Happy Women’s Day 2018!!!
History as to why we celebrate this day: After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations. According to its official website, International Women's Day has been marked for well over a century, with the first March 8 International Women's Day gathering supported by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. 

Well you must think another post about Women and Feminism by a woman blogger! Well no. PERIOD.

I am a WOMAN. Somehow, saying this brings a certain level of vanity inside me. Am I a Feminist?  Well honestly, till date I myself have not been able to ascertain this concept. I just believe that women should be given equal human rights, which sadly enough they are deprived of! Through this post I just want to share some views about what I think about celebrating this day.

Organizing Women’s day at my office, I started with great fervor thinking well this is our day, every woman must feel honored, and we are going to have a huge turn over in our events and what not. Incidentally enough, it was probably only me, who was excited.

 I felt a little strange, I mean , we have debates discussions around every corner of the world as to why we celebrate women’s day and why it is so hyped about, how men mistreat the women, how women are deprived of rights, and all the statistics and harsh realities.

But have we ever thought, is it only the men that do us wrong?

That’s an anti-feministic comment, but before you judge me read further:

Well I will give you some rudimentary examples:

We will have our mother’s listening to women empowerment's speeches on the news channels and will appreciate all the great women there, but the time to ask her to step feet out of the house at 9 p.m. she will freak out. Well primarily it is concern I agree, but don’t u think there is still that thinking “Ladki akele raat ko nahi nikaltai “. (If we cannot be empowered in our own homes, how can we be empowered anywhere?)

Some of our friends posts a super lucrative, sensuous photo on any of her social handles, and immediately we (read her women friends) , we start labeling her as attention seeking , sultry  or even worse words . This might just be harmless gossip for us , but we do not realize that we are actually derogating and attaching a WOMAN! (If we cannot respect our women, how do we expect to give her equal respect in this patriarchal  culture?)

While guiding our  male  siblings or platonic male friends about some girl they like , we immediately start defending them and try to tell them how that girl is chalu, chalak, not his type , ghumayegi tuje and all those words. (If we can’t value the dignity of a girl, will men do?)

And if we hear the same about us from a man, we all go crazy talking about dignity and all. Such are our double standards.

We never stop our current boyfriends from talking ill about his exes. We somehow are ego-boosted that time, what we somewhere don’t realize is that he might hold the same views for us in time to come.

We think talking in a high pitch, hurdling abuses (ma behen wali galiyan), saying gandu ,chutiya as a conjunction in every sentence, just hitting men for no reason at all  is women getting empowered.  

Imagine a woman abusing another woman by calling out a woman eccentric abuse!.

We will fight over our ladies seat, ladies compartment, female quota, period holidays, ladies night free drink, but we do not fight over things that we should.

We still are selective while building a corporate project  team , we discard women candidates on reasons such as : well women can anytime get married and plan a family and that can affect their project (Seriously, I was rejected for one project  citing the same criteria)

We still believe despite of being a woman, that if an attractive woman gets appreciated/promoted for her work, she is just getting favors from her male counterpart.

We still find it hard to digest that a young independent woman , can actually be “Independent” , can fix her own flat tyre, drive herself to work and deal with the plumber too if need be . There is no rocket science in it.

Why is that we being women, don’t tend to give respect to other women. Why don’t we openly go compliment other women?

Why do we see other women as an uninvited competition? Why little things like the same dress, same lip shade or hair color make us instantly hate the bearer of it? Why do we ourselves call other women names?

This somewhere irks me, you know why ? Because it unknowingly makes the men the upper section of the society.
We: The Women; ourselves somewhere with are hypocritical thoughts hold back our own empowerment.

The day a woman starts realizing,  that valuing any other women is even a mirror valuing her, the society will definitely empower.

A hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, we have heard this a lot in our childhood an in primarily every Women’s day speech. Maybe it’s time we try implementing it. Gradually we try making our women realize that being a woman is not a liability, but a phenomenal responsibility as well.

Maybe it is time before changing our men , we try changing our fellow women, bring them to love , respect and empower each other  to a point where no longer we would be giving lectures and treating women differently.

On that blunt note, I would let you think about it and hope you too tend to celebrate this otherwise usual day, complimenting one fellow woman for nothing but JUST BEING HERSELF!!


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