That four letter word!

Valentines gush is finally over and I chose this perfect date,14 Feb to kick-start this blog! Am I new to writing?? Well no I have been writing down essays, passages, love cards, greeting cards and those unread notes in my phone which have helped me survive certain situations in life. 

But hey, haven’t we all done that? We all are writers somewhere. I am sure we all have those raw, unedited messages in our phones which if taken out can turn into nothing less than love sonnets!!

Pyaar, love, ishq, mohabbat is like the key ingredient for movies, books, songs, blogs.It would practically be impossible for one person to dig in and read out all that is written on love!

So why is that this ONE human emotion has so much in the world written on it? After all,it is just a four letter word like Life and Hope

Maybe we are programmed to think that love is a necessity, it is life ,the single ray of hope we need to survive in this cruel world. Otherwise we will just end up being a lonely damsel in distress, without a prince charming, EVER. (depressing enough?)

 Well not true…

I have had my share of love exchanges and while they gave me happiness on their arrival, their departure left me nothing but numb. 

Then I questioned myself was that Love?  Or is there Love at all? Somehow we just club all the human emotions when we start feeling something new for someone else ...physical attraction, infatuation, urge of talking 24*7, possessiveness, insecurity, care, attachment even hate all at once becomes love for us. Well now you will ask why hate? Because , even hate is a form of love and you can only feel negative about something ,when there was a positive (basic nature). 

More than finding soulmates or lovers, I believe in the Karmic relationship theory, I believe people (ex-lovers as per the context) cross our paths because it is destined to be that ways. To help grow ,to evolve, to discover new sides of ourselves, to not restrict ourselves from feeling something new. 

The sudden familiarity we feel with someone, the spark that ignites in us which we mistake as love, the habit of their availability that fosters into the possessiveness.their exciting funny side gradually turning irritating , their intimidating  quietness turning to boredom, all this happens because we so desperately want to fall in love all at once.

We glorify this thing called LOVE so much that we entitle ourselves to find it, and fanatically want to fall in love. In this forceful effort on ourselves we just  end up being disappointed a zillion times. 

I mean why “find” it?? It is not a commodity to be owned or some accomplishment up our sleeve!  Let just stop looking for the perfect love out there and not feel lonely and miserable when we don’t get it, after all love is just a part of life and not life itself!

It’s ok to have never have been in love, it is ok if you are in a love and still feel empty and it is also ok if you just lost on the “I can’t live without you” person.

Because dear friend, there is no heartbreak that cannot be survived, no thunderstorm that doesn’t have a sunrise and no wound that cannot be mended. So let you define love for you rather than Love defining you. 

Let you be the hero, the writer, the plotter and even the destructor of your own love story, and let  this imperfect broken you put all the shattered pieces back to make something sublimely, wonderfully , beautiful version of yourself. 

May Love always follow your way and your Lobster will sure find its way (we are already friends if you get this reference)!!

P.S Until Then Tinder is your best friend! ;)

**Images Courtesy: Google


  1. This was really imapctful and I felt like I was just getting answers and solutions to all my suppressed emotions and mixed up questions. Loved it !

  2. Apathy is stronger than hatred, hate in itself can be motivating. And love can make you do things, that you never imagined. All these feelings are somewhat irrational but it is practically impossible to be truly rational with all of our feelings. Hence the rational way to behave irrationally is to experience love..😁😁😁

    1. hey thanks ..loved the last line :) . you are right is very important to behave rationally irrational to enjoy life!! Nevertheless thank-you keep reading :)

  3. Its intriguing!!
    Two questions arrived 😇

    So what is love?

    And If its Incoming and outcoming process, when will one find his true call since our emotions tend to vary ?

    1. What ever she has written is correct but as per me.. love is not just finding your soul mate.. Love is also about care.. it can be from anyone from a girl, from a child, from your friends.. It's also a kind of feeling with good wives coming towards us.. and that can come from anyone.

  4. Waaooo....this is a very resourceful excerpt for every person who has gone through the process of a heartbreak! Beautifully written di😍

  5. You have prescribed remedy for many heart broken souls ..loved it 😍👍🏻

  6. Very well written! Thoughts of every heart!


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