Inevitably I did make a few of my friends sad , after my last post! It was a sad story, they proclaimed!
Well yes indeed it was SAD. Anything that makes us a little disappointed is nothing but sad. We are clear in judging that a particular thing makes us sad. But do we sit back and say the same thing about something that brings us JOY?

JOY, happiness, merry these words are so comforting to the ear. They are opposites of a bad feeling called sadness. We all experience joy even without trying hard enough, but do we really count it? I mean if someone asks me, “What gives you JOY? “, will I be able to answer instantly?  

Think about it, would you be able to answer it?  And if your answer is yes! I AM PROUD OF YOU!
No not being sardonic, but I am actually very proud of you, because in this fast moving world where we tend to dwell on sadness so easily , you know what makes you happy !

Speaking from my personal experience or hands-on as the IT engineer in me would want to call it , My hands-on experience in realizing what makes me happy and appreciating the same thing has been  rather less as opposed to me , considering myself as  SAD.

I’m probably sad over every other thing! From demonetization, to plight of third world nations, to my crush getting engaged or an uneven eye-brow, I just tend to be attracted towards sadness.  I remember this concert of PAPON (Jiyen kyun fame singer); I attended during my Bangalore days. So while he was singing a sad song, he very remarkably said, that “sadness is beautiful”.

And I think it does hold true. We tend to be so attracted towards sadness in one way or the other. SAD songs being the biggest sellers of sadness. Sad songs help us externalize our dark feelings and in a way make us more overwhelmed by them. In short, they have the power to make anyone melancholic, even without a break-up!

Melancholia is a tricky thing, anything even closer to making us sad suddenly hits the correct nerve and this sadness keeps isolating in our life. We in our daily routine somewhere loose on the little things that bring happiness or joy with them, but we focus too much on the negativeness of every situation.

We somewhere like to play victim, even a small cough or cold we would like to call in sick for the day, we would hate waking up early, going to office, doing our routine work, because it is mundane. Rather we would love getting drunk, sloshed wasting a thousand bucks, wearing extravagant clothes in a night bar and call it a night to remember.

Why can’t we do the same about the day at work? Why does hardly anyone say “Again Monday, wow!”, but every other person murmurs “Again Monday, shit”! And this doubles if there are any early Monday morning meetings.  The face through which we welcome Monday, is the same a chronic constipated person would have!

Why don’t we find JOY in the fact that we have a new week to perform or that we are returning to work after two days of rest. Why do we only associate weekends with late nights and parties and not rest, and spending time with family and joy?

Any news of our friends getting promoted, engaged, or being an entrepreneur or genuinely doing good for themselves irks us somewhere , our congratulations to them is nothing but our soul shouting from inside(Abe ,saale aisa kya kia tune!)

Why don’t we feel happy, (genuinely happy) and not emoji happy for people, our circle accomplishing their dreams?
Our rat race is so important to us , our breaking the “Sharma ji ke beta" ka record is so imperative to us that while running in this life , we tend to forget the little things that brings us JOY,  everyday of our life.

Incessant red lights, beaming traffic, bad rain pour, extra summer time, everything contributes to our anguish. But do we any day say: “I did not get much traffic today, was able  to reach in time for the meeting, I am feeling happy “
Why a quite night cuddled up in bed reading  your favorite book, is not a night to remember?

“After a long day at work my mother cooked such a delicious meal, I’m feeling happy”
“I saw my crush today gazing towards me I am feeling happy”

No we would rather play the whole list of 1000 sad songs of seeing her talk to someone else, but not feel joy for the one moment she looked at us.

These hypocrisies of our daily lives somewhere affect our personal outlook towards life too. We are easily engrossed in  being sad and desperately TRY too much on feeling happy. We convince ourselves we will only be happy after reaching certain milestones in life : be it getting promoted, getting that dream job ,house ,car ,girl/boy ,international trip and the list goes on …

I am not saying that having insatiable demands is wrong, rather if you’re won over with your life, then I doubt are you even living anymore? 

We all have ever evolving dreams, and we should keep this hunger to achieve more; ever alive, but all I am saying is while we have our needs and wants, we can even feel happy on achieving them or taking the first step to getting closer to them, pause the moment,  stand by , enjoy it , and  just not sit on the next demand horse and ride away.

Cherish the small joys in life, waking up to a bright sunny day, relishing your cup of tea, staring at your beautiful self in the mirror (you can even act like POOH from K3G), driving and listening to your favorite song, reaching office in time and smiling and greeting everyone around (keep that a smile, unless people start doubting you are still high) and starting your day on a positive note, keeping all other negative feelings at bay!

Elders would say remember God, do yoga, meditation and all. I agree, but I also agree that if we can re kindle the inner joy in us, we can reach out to our GOD, we can be calm enough and well yoga and their positions can be practiced anywhere else too ;).

Feeling happy is not a task, it is a feeling as natural as nature’s call. 

Let us just take a dump of the negative load on us and feel light, cleanse ourselves and start feeling HAPPY!

So PROMISE ME, that tomorrow’s Monday will be welcomed with a smiling face and a sportive outlook!J



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