Feeling Spring , Already ?

Well I am a mountain child, coming from the beautiful place called Shimla. I do not need to share its map, because Shimla is deep rooted in our hearts, even if we belong to this town or not.
So coming from the white-knuckle and picturesque hills; where the winter time is nothing but a white fairy dawned by a beautiful glow of the winter sun and the chillness of a broken lover’s heart. The advent of Spring is like my most favorite time of the year; since childhood, I always have loved this season beyond words.

Why? because.

The air and the water is exhilarating, morning walks or evening saunter is spellbinding in the deep woods, one can be delighted over the chirping of the birds from their nest or a wildflower in timbers, the warmth of the sun, the clear blue skies with some faint cloud scattered over it, the convincing breeze carrying the fragrances of the budding flowers and the unblemished sky at night making one thrilled by the glittery stars ; this is what typically  Spring holds for me. Poignantly enough the rewards of a simple life lived by the people in the hills.

This beautiful season makes the nature resume its loveliness, it nurtures it and revitalizes it. It’s like the love of the nature with the Sun, they unite in the Spring time and this warm embrace of them is evident throughout the world with the blush of the cherry blossoms blooming and the dandelions dancing, the sunflowers upright towards the sunny side and the trees shrugging off the cold snow to welcome soft dews on their leaves.

 Let alone nature ; You too are somehow happy, unknowingly Spring does that to you.

Doesn’t Spring has the same effect on us as a new love in our life?

Is not the first real day of spring, like the first time a new lover embraces your hand?

Is not the warmth that the Spring brings symbolic with the skin-tingling warm sensations, that consumes you when you find him gazing at you from a distance and the cherry  blush you get when you realize u too were sheepishly looking for his eyes in the crowd?

Having him always around you realize, that like the Spring season everything shines with a fresh, colorful glow, making you forget, that cold heartbreak of yours; in which you dozed throughout the cold and unforgiving winters.

Spring is like the pre-dating time, when there is spark and excitement and slight inhibitions. 

Those rosy flowery, butterfly times when you shall sacrifice all your sleep, your heart beeping faster than their message beep, every other romantic song reminding you of them and your head playing countless hypothetical scenarios where you would have probably even dreamt of your grandchildren together.

Spring even helps you break the mundane winter nights where there is this strong temptation of going back to your ex when it’s freezing outside and he’s only two Jacks and one drunk text away. But as the layers of outerwear are minimized in Spring, so do you realize to let go of the baggage of past – and start something new.  

“Spring is the perfect time for cleansing your life of bad dating habits and starting fresh again.”

Spring imbibes a positive outlook in you, it’s true if we are a slave to the calendar hung on our walls, we shall say Spring just comes once a year, but if you see, spring comes after every tough situation in our life.

The reconciliation after a fight with a loved one, the offer letter after countless failed interviews, the admit card of the most awaited university, the joy of a QA passing your application after countless nights working on it.The ending of the tough times and soothing of the heart after their end; are nothing but the Spring entering our lives  and finishing the harsh wintry cloud in our minds.

And even if these deep thoughts do not give you enough reason to love the Spring Season; practically speaking this season is literally a treat to the eyes.

Dense clusters of blooming flowers, whether on hawthorn, blackthorn or fruiting trees, are short-lived so it’s best to enjoy them before the subtle white and pink petals fall to the earth like nature’s own confetti.

So step out, take a walk in the woods either as the sun comes up and starts to warm the air or last thing in the evening as the sun begins to go down. It doesn’t matter where you go, it could be down to the park next to your house or probably around some lake, just spend a few minutes taking in all the sights, sounds and smells around you as nature springs back to life after its winter slow down. And don’t miss the cuckoo singing the melodies and while you stroll in the garden enjoying her music beware of disquieting any couple around; as spring is nothing but a season of New love!!!

Happy Spring :) 


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